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St. Michael's House Special National School, Ballymun
Fundraiser- Draiocht Drama Group Present ' Sharon's Grave' By John B Keane-Thursday 13th February [Open Image]
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Koala Room Students Visit Ballymun Recycling Centre

11th Nov 2023

On Friday, Senior 2 students finally got to see the new Ballymun Recycling Centre on St. Margaret's Road. It was opened up when Collin's Avenue Bring Centre closed down. Staff at the centre were very welcoming and helpful! Students were given information leaflets to bring away and were shown where to deposit the items in their bags of waste: broken keyboards, batteries, Tetra-paks, aluminium cans, soft drink cans, clothing and much much more. Gustavo kindly stepped into a group photo for us before students departed for a well-earned snack in the Ikea cafe across the road! We hope to visit Ballymun Recycling Centre again very soon. Well done Senior 2 and thank you to all the staff!