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St. Michael's House Special National School, Ballymun
Fundraiser- Draiocht Drama Group Present ' Sharon's Grave' By John B Keane-Thursday 13th February [Open Image]
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Magic Moments So Far in Senior 6

12th Jan 2025

Senior 6 had an eventful first term. Jade from NCAD kicked off the visual art programme with Kandinsky and "Art in the Park". They welcomed a visitor from Na Fianna and exercised on the machines in Albert College park. They asked one another if they had "any plans" for the weekend at the Tram Café on Fridays while sipping drinks of their choice. Orla took them on a lovely journey with paint, printing and clay. They worked, ate, played and sang with students from Scoil Chaitríona and raised funds for the school at Teacher Ger's Charlestown Christmas Songs event. They celebrated Nsovo's life at his grave in Glasnevin and developed their gardening skills at Glas Community Garden in Ballymun. Siobhán took a couple of students to the music room at St. Joseph's School and one to Our Lady of Victories Boys' School to read to the little ones there. All developed their work skills by helping to clear the school of Autumn leaves, to prepare the plant troughs outside the upper building classrooms and by collecting the post from HQ. There was no end of jobs to be done inside as well - ones that could only be done by the senior leaders in our school! They filled up kettles, demonstrated "Lámh of the Week" signs to other classes, sorted out a huge collection of keys, helped with smaller students and much much more! 

Term 2 has kicked off with the first of 6 visits to the library to help librarians to do their work and in March/April they will start on their block of helping Foreman Tom in Albert College Park. Senior 6 students are always at the ready! They are wonderful! 2026 leavers will prepare for their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement Awards Ceremony (date to be confirmed) and 2025 leavers will prepare for their graduation ceremony on 12th June. All are looking forward to the Debs on June 14th! It will be a magical celebration. It has been and will be an amazing school year with Brody, Christo, Dionne, Katie, Matthew, Ryan, Tonto and Zuleika. Teachers and SNAs Grainne, Laura, previously Jason and now Eliab love being allocated to this great group of young people! Well done to Senior 6 students!