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St. Michael's House Special National School, Ballymun
Fundraiser- Draiocht Drama Group Present ' Sharon's Grave' By John B Keane-Thursday 13th February [Open Image]
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September Classroom Activities

18th Oct 2024

In September, our students engaged in a variety of outdoor and creative activities that connected them with the season of Autumn. We enjoyed nature walks, where the students explored the changing environment, looking for signs of Autumn. We visited a local park and playground, where the focus was on playing together, taking turns, and building social skills. The students also had moments of mindfulness, relaxing and being present in the beauty of nature around them.

We participated in a recycling initiative, collecting our water bottles to raise funds for goodies, which also helped reinforce the importance of environmental responsibility. After our nature walks, we collected leaves for a sensory art activity, where the students explored the colours and textures of Autumn. They expressed their creativity by painting images of everything we observed, including Autumn colours and squirrels.

Overall, the month was filled with opportunities for the students to connect with nature, develop social skills, and express themselves creatively.