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St. Michael's House Special National School, Ballymun
Admissions 2025-26 7th October,  2024 Admissions for school year 2025-2026 will open to receive applications on Monday 14th October 2024. Applications will close on Friday 17th January 2025. Please follow the instructions in the Admissions Policy, complete all sections and follow guidelines on the Application Form if you wish to send in an application for 2025-2026.The information/forms are available on our website or through the school.If you have any queries please contact the school on    01- 8840326  Mobile- 085-1651289Many thanks,Caroline
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Thank You For the Music

28th Oct 2023

Thank you to Dominican College, Griffith Avenue for inviting Senior 1 and Senior 2 students to their dress rehearsal of "Thankyou for the Music" last Monday morning. It was a fantastic showcase of talent and seniors just loved hearing all the familiar Abba songs. Our students used the opportunity to practise their "audience" skills! They sat nicely for the whole show, paid great attention to the action and joined in with the "audience participation" part by dancing along enthusiastically to the final number! Above all, students showed their huge  appreciation by clapping and cheering as loudly as any other group in the audience! Well done to the students of Dominican College Griffith Avenue and three cheers to Senior 1 and 2 students of St. Michael's House Special National School, Ballymun!